Getting Started in R

So, I'm starting to realise my age. I had a great time at PSI 2023 even though I could only spare one day there. It did me a world of good to see some old colleagues and to see how the industry was moving, great to see many data scientists there and a session devoted to data scientists! I came away really motivated to get on and become proficient in R and learnt of some industry initiatives to get up and running.

Although I have done a little R with my chromebook and on a client PC, today I have been installing R, RStudio, GitHub, got them to talk to each other and completed a few tutorials. I am learning about the vast number of R packages out there and attempting to identify those most useful to my little business and resolving conflicts between the packages. This is the the professional development often missing when contracting to a single company full time and the stuff I love.

Here's to making valuable contributions and making the fun stuff pay!
Bring it on R!

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