The proverb “Mighty oaks from little acorns grow” is found in Geoffrey Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde from 1374, and acorns have been considered luck charms over the ages, providing hope, prosperity or healing.
Here at Acorn Statistical Analysis Ltd. we appreciate security and stability from traditional routines and methods, which is why when a small Acorn falls from a mighty oak it presents so much knowledge information and potential. Here at Acorn, we are using our knowledge, and our small, flexible, adaptive company to help you provide the perfect environment for you and your product to grow into a mighty oak.
The pharmaceutical industry has always been a high paced, competitive and challenging environment where individuals like you and me (and every other professional for that matter) often work under pressure making sure each study can meet its objective, each calculation is correct and each conclusion is justified. At Acorn we understand this and understand it can be hard to see the wood through the trees*, but when you need to give space and resources to your acorns (or mighty oaks) so they can reach the light, Acorn Statistical Analysis Ltd. can help.
Acorn Statistical Analysis, we value authenticity and flexibility, we provide novel resource solutions for an unpredictable world.
*The phrase "see the wood for the trees" is a British English idiom that means to be able to understand the general picture of a situation or problem without being distracted by details